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WYNYARD , UK , Aug. 31, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Venator has strengthened its commitment to sustainability, elevating responsibility for this important topic to the highest level within its business. Publishing its second sustainability report, 
September 01, 2022 09:22 ET | Source: Facts & Factors Facts & Factors
DUBLIN, Ireland, Sept. 01, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Facts a
888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
GURUGRAM, India , Aug. 5, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- Government support for use of bio-based composites: Growing environmental awareness and growing global waste problems are making governments aware of environmental hazards and encouraging them
There likely aren’t many people in Perham, Minn., who don’t know about Tuffy’s Pet Foods and KLN Family Brands. And most likely consider the Nelson family a household name. After all, it was almost 60 years ago when Darrell “Tuffy” Nelson started Tuffy’s Pet Foods with just 13 empl
MANHATTAN, KAN. — On Aug. 15, 26 professionals from various sectors of the pet food industry gathered at Kansas State University’s (KSU) International Grains Program Institute (IGP) Pet Food Workshop to dive deeper into the formulation and processing of pet foods and treats.
Led by S
Masterbatches comply with plastic packaging standards
Clariant color and additive masterbatches made in five plants in Europe and Asia have been awarded ‘OK compost Home’ and ‘OK compost Industrial’ labels by the TÜV AUSTRIA Belgium NV testing company. The certif
Deepak Manchanda (DM): What is the most significant challenge for the flexible packaging industry?
Barun Banerjee (BB): It would be developed and the changing regulations. We need to find the balance. Is it plastic mono-material or circular economy? What is the waste hierarchy which shou
Industrial 3D printing consultancy specialist AMPOWER has projected the additive manufacturing market will experience a yearly growth of 18.2 percent over the next four years.
In the firm’s latest market research, it found that 2021 was marked by regained growth after the initial impac
The 2016 construction of Dubai's Office of the Future signaled that 3D printing in construction was ready for its close-up. The 2,691-square-foot building uses energy-efficient HVAC systems, responsive LED lighting, and solar shading to reduce power consumption, and it took a team of 18 people
The Biomedical 3D Printer market research report delivers a granular assessment of the major development trends that are expected to steer the growth trajectory of this business vertical during 2022-2028. The analysis goes into detail on key development trends, bottlenecks, and other potenti