Global Plastic Granulators Market from 2022 to 2028 announced by serves as a correct calculation regarding the futuristic development depending on the past data and present situation of industry status. The report analyzes principals, participants, geological areas, prod
New Jersey, USA,- The research study on the worldwide Rotor Type Plastic Granulator market equips you with detailed and accurate analyses that may facilitate your strengthen your market position. It provides the newest updates and meaningful insights into the Rotor Type Plastic Granulator
Global Plastic Molding Machine Market by provides insight into the existing state of affairs and the industry’s future growth prospects for the years 2022 to 2028. A brief quantitative and qualitative study of data acquired from certain sources is used to determine
New Jersey, United States – This Plastic Processing Machinery Market report provides a comprehensive overview of important aspects that will drive market growth such as market drivers, restraints, prospects, opportunities, restraints, current trends, and technical and industrial adv
A University of Cincinnati Venture Lab-backed startup is developing a new method of chemistry that could make a wide range of products including agrichemicals, pharmaceuticals and plastics more environmentally friendly.
Cinthesis, whose facilities are based at UC, is working in the emerg
The Manitoba-based company is using the first KraussMaffei QuickSwitch line in North America.
With QuickSwitch, Encoma produces multilayer HDPE pipes in different diameters from 25 – 63 mm on the same line. Photo Credit: KraussMaffei Extrusion GmbH
Start-up Canadian HDPE pip
Anycubic is announcing five new 3D printers in the second quarter of 2022. One of these is the Anycubic Kobra Max. This huge 3D printer lives up to its name with its 15.75 in x 15.75 in x 17.72 in (400 mm × 400 mm × 450 mm) build volume. Apart from its size, this 3D printer offers some speci
German RepRap 3D printer family.
Hehl und Keinath, family owners of German injection moulding machine manufacturer Arburg, have today announced the takeover of 3D printing company German RepRap.
The purchase, which was notarised on 12th February, is the result of ongoing conversati
AIS and Vishakha group have announced their joint venture into solar glass with an in principle agreement for setting up of India's largest and state-of-the-art green field solar glass plant at Mundra, Gujarat, with phase-1 glass manufacturing capacity of up to 3GW of the installable capacity
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