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Plastic compound market size, resin (PP, PE) sharing and trend analysis report, by technology (injection molding, extrusion), by filler (unfilled, calcium carbonate filled), by end use, by region, and seg
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Manufacturers of toys and household goods are increasingly developing environmentally friendly products
Infrared pigments reflect solar radiation and keep polymer products cool
Aluminum tools provid
Since 2000, Lanier Color's business has grown eightfold. Its focus on technical support and customer service helps explain why. #planttour #bestpractices #color
Lanier Color's ownership team includes (lr) Blake Johnson, technical director; Selwyn Glanzer, vice presiden
Part of the Informa PLC division
This website is operated by one or more companies owned by Informa PLC, and all copyrights belong to them. The registered office of Informa PLC is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.
Market demand for its
By not knowing what causes the screw to wear out, you risk wasting time and money.
There are three main reasons for the wear of the extruder screw. The first is the influence of the unbalanced high-pressure area in the screw, which is mainly caused by the screw
For several years, we have been reporting on the tractor legends of large manufacturers, and all components are locked by software so that they can only be replaced by officially approved dealers. Therefore, we are very happy to see the few moments when this story emerged from the field of a few
Lyons Industries Inc., based in Dowagac, has long been notorious for dirty and thankless work.
Lance Lyons, the third-generation president of the sanitary equipment manufacturer, once passed the Burger King Driveway restaurant when a restaurant employee found his company T-shirt.
Raise3D will launch its Pro3 series at the end of 2021. This is a new 3D printer in its market segment. Its improved functions can meet the needs of agile or small batch production of terminal parts, tools, spare parts or other similar products. The Pro3 series includes two dual-extruder 3D print
Part of the Informa PLC division
This website is operated by one or more companies owned by Informa PLC, and all copyrights belong to them. The registered office of Informa PLC is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. Registered in England and Wales. Number 8860726.
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The climate crisis has forced humanity to reassess its collective priorities and rethink everything fro