Indorama Ventures Sustainable Solutions will install AMUT equipment at its PET recycling facility in Alabama, including the bottle delabeling equipment shown above. | Provided by AMUT
According to interviews and city documents, Indorama Ventures Sustainable Solutions is investing heavily to
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Injection molding equi
Boulder, Colorado, USA: The Geological Society of America regularly publishes articles online before printing. The GSA announcement topics studied this month include the nature and dynamics of China and Tibet; regulating the major reorganization of the Snake River through the Yellowstone hotspot;
Up, down or flat-labels in different directions for different resin heads. #Repricing
Entering the fourth quarter, a large number of resin price forecasts can be seen everywhere, depending on the resin you are looking at. PE, PP and PS fell, all of which showed record
As supply exceeds demand, the price of certain resins may undergo major adjustments. #Polystyrene#resinpricing #polyolefin
Contributed by Lily Manolis Sherman
Lebanese design company Post Industrial Crafts used recycled 5-gallon water bottles and a unique production method to make these tripod lights:
The dark blue model is a limited edition Sursock Edition, named after the Sursock Museum in Beirut. The proceeds from this edition will be used to
Coperion recently supplied the extruder of its ZSK production line to a German post-industrial waste plastics processor called Aurora Kunststoffe.
German equipment supplier Coperion now produces a series of extruders customized for plastic recycling facilities.
Coperion is headquarter
Although movies and animation have come a long way, their grandfather, Zoetrope, still has some magic. Due to the persistence of vision, our eyes will be fooled to see movement without movement, and can only see carefully arranged static pictures that flicker under the correct lighting.
This emerging technology sounds promising, but its actual benefits have not been clearly proven. #industry4-0
On Fakuma 2021, Engel's sim link enables simulation software and injection molding machine control to communicate with each other in the same language. (Photo: E
L'étude de recherche 2021-2027 The global twin screw market studied la croissance de l'industrie, la taille du Marché, les principaux manufacturer, les opportunités futures, lestendances de développement et les Estimates des Estimations initiales et futures du Marché Twin Screw. Profils clé